
How to Configure Mortage Calculatior in drupal Site.

How to Configure Mortage Calculatior in drupal Site.

Posted byvarghese.t,5th Nov 2015

Real Estate Mortgage Calculator module is a simple mortgage calculator. It is designed to operate with the Drupal Real Estate module but also can be used on any other Drupal sites.

For calculation used based on mortgage algorithm ->moneychimp Payment Frequency - gailvazoxlade

For now exist two types of the blocks:
Mortgage Calculator - used a submit form
Mortgage Calculator JS - used a JS calculation



  • Download and enable the Real Estate Mortgage Calculator module.
  • Visit the /mortgage-calculator page
  • Go to /admin/structure/block for managing an enabled Mortgage Calculator block or enabling Mortgage Calculator JS block.



For the Mortgage Calculator block can be selected payment frequency methods like Monthly, Yearly, Semi-monthly, Bi-weekly, Weekly, Accelerated Bi-weekly, Accelerated Weekly. That can be done from the block configuration

For populating the forms' values can be used tokens. For showing it should be enabled the Token module.
The tokens should be placed in appropriated fields of "Default values" section of the block configuration


For the Mortgage Calculator JS block can be selected payment frequency methods: Monthly, Yearly, Semi-monthly, Bi-weekly, Weekly, Accelerated Bi-weekly, Accelerated Weekly.
That can be done from a block configuration
By default selected - Monthly. (In that case will not shown a checkbox for selecting a payment frequency method.)

For embedding Mortgage Calculator JS somewhere in a text, may be used filters: [mortgage_calculator_js:PRICE;RATE;YEARS] (where values: PRICE,RATE,YEARS must be replaced by appropriate values. For example: [mortgage_calculator_js:10000;4.5;10])

For enabling them, go to admin/config/content/formats, select appropriate format and enable 'Set values for Mortgage Calculator'

For populating the forms' values can be used tokens. For showing it should be enabled the Token module.

The tokens should be placed in appropriated fields of "Default values" section of the block configuration