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How to add an argument to a view pro grammatically in Drupal 7?

For  one of our drupal 7 Site need to pass the argument to the views programatically. The Drupal 7 contributed hook helps for the same.  The below…


How to Create a Custom Content Type Pane

How to Create a Custom Panels Pane to list a drupal block. For creating the custom pane and using inside the panel, We need to download and enable…


How to create Bootstrap subtheme[CDN] in drupal 8 ?

In my previous article we learned how to create a bootstrap subtheme in drupal 7. In this article we learn to create a bootstrap subtheme in Drupal8…


Install Responsive Menus for Mobile Browsers

Responsive Menus for your Mobile Browsers Responsify your menus! Just give me a CSS or jQuery style selector of your menu and it will make mobile…


How to set up variables for a specific type to use in a Template Drupal 8?

It's almost the same as in Drupal 7, but in Drupal 8 the concept changes as OOP. So there is some difference to call the 'type'. We can't simply…


How to get the value of a node field into a variable in Drupal 8?

/*-->*/ To get the value of a node field first of all we need to get the node object.   So add the below code to your THEME_preprocess_node…